Most Terrifying Video OF Tsunami Japan

Most Terrifying Video OF Tsunami Japan
Tsunami Japan 2011

Its over a month when Tsunami hit Japan.Now Japan is facing nuclear problem in Fukushima.Recently a visitor uploaded a video on Youtube which is considered most terrifying video of Tsunami in Japan.People are standing at some high from ground level.They caught the Tsunami live in their video camera.

It is the longest video of Tsunami in Japan.Person who made this video is standing on some high gound level from where he shoot this video.Tsunami waves are coming towards them and nearby people are crying with terror.In last scene people are tyring to escape from Tsunami Waves and crying with terror.

Uploader of the video said in a comment that all people escaping from Tsunami on the last scene of the movie were survived.Tsunami waves washed aways the town.

Watch Most terrifying Video of Tsunami In Japan 2011

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