Create Apple Account in iTunes without Credit Card

Create Apple Account in iTunes without Credit Card
apple itune store

There are many free applications available for your Iphone,Ipod and Ipad on iTunes Store.You can download them and install into your Ipod or iPhone easily.To Download these free applications you need a Apple account.

You need a credit card to create a Apple account on iTunes store.When you try to create a new account,you will see option to add payment method like image below :-
With this option you have to enter your credit card information."None" option is missing here which is required to create Apple account on iTunes store without credit card.But if You want to create a apple account without entering your credit card information than follow these simple steps :-

1. Start iTunes application and click on iTunes store.

2. Scroll to the bottom and change your country to United States.
country option in itune store

3. Click on App store on the top.
top panel of itune store

4.Click to download free application from the right side panel
free apple applications in itune store

5.It will open a Pop up that have option to sign in with existing Apple account or to create a new account.Click on link to create a new account.
create a new apple account

6.Fill your email address, password and date of birth.On next step of Payment Option select "none".
payment option at apple's itune store

7.Fill address information and submit the form.A verification mail will be sent to email address filled in first step.Click on the verification link and your Apple account will be activated.
Apple Account created without Credit Card

Watch a video on How to Create Apple Account in iTunes without Credit Card

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