Google AdSense Policy Updated

Google Updated AdSense Policy
google adsense

Google has silently updated it AdSense policy.AdSense is a revenue sharing program that helps Blogger and website owners to make money online.
This change is going to affect a large number of blogs and websites.With new policy update now you can't put AdSense ads in iFrame.

The updated AdSense policy says

"AdSense code may not be altered, nor may the standard behavior, targeting or delivery of ads be manipulated in any way that is not explicitly permitted by Google. This includes but is not limited to the following: clicking Google ads may not result in a new browser window being launched, nor may Google ads be placed in an IFRAME."

You can find this update in Google adsense policy page under Ad Behavior heading.
 Google has always discouraged the use of iFrame for ads serving stating that it cause trouble in  displaying targeted ads or PSAs.

If you are using AdSense ads in iFrame than you need to modify your site code and use new embed code within your content.Otherwise get ready for horror email from Google which will say "Your AdSense account is disabled".

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