Google has announced its new social network site Google+.The Internet search engine introduced Google+ social network for what it called 'real-life sharing.'Google said its social network will meet the most basic human needs to connect with others.
For now Google+ is available by invitation only.
Recent studies and surveys shows that Facebook has become the number one in online advertising leaving behind Google.In May, 180 million people visited Google sites, including YouTube, versus 157.2 million on Facebook, according to comScore. But Facebook users looked at 103 billion pages and spent an average of 375 minutes on the site, while Google users viewed 46.3 billion pages and spent 231 minutes.Google already owns a social network site called Orkut.Though it has a large number of users but as can't compete with Facebook.It lacks many advance features that a Facebook user can have. That is why to compete with Facebook,Google announces its new social media network Google Plus.
Features Of Google Plus
1)Profile + Circles: You have your own profile, of course and you can invite friends, but Google+ also has the added ability to easily group friends together in a detailed or haphazard way. Once grouped, you can communicate with entire members of each group separately or together or any which way you please.
2)Stream + Sparks: This is Google’s version of the News Feed, but it can be filtered in more ways than Facebook’s feed, even allowing you to share “sparks” or special interests you have (like my love of movies and tech, for example) with friends who are interested in your obsessions.
3)Hangouts + Huddle: Facebook added chat, but Google is taking it a step further, allowing as many as four people to have open video chats with one another and just hang out with one another. Huddles offer a chat client for mobile and Web users to chat with one another, if text is your thing.
4)Photos: Google is working on integrating its Picasa photo service directly into Google+, allowing you to take a photo on your phone and have it auto upload to a private section of your profile, where you can unlock it to share with everyone at your leisure. Without saying it, Google just launched a full cloud-based photo storage system for Android and iOS (Google+ is pending approval from Apple, but will be on the App Store soon).
Reasons Why Google Plus will Succeed
Google + has many new exciting features.
Google knows the limitations of Facebook.Therefore we are going to get more advance features and technology in Google Plus.
You can integrate Google Plus almost everywhere
Google has a dedicated team of developers which is one of the best developer team of the world.So you can expect more from them.
You can instantly share your photos,videos with Google + in a single click.
Google Plus is still in the examining levels. Therefore, you cannot indication up for an consideration now. They have implemented it as area test base, so only those who have an party invitation can make an consideration. For example, if your companion has an consideration and has sent an party invitation then you will be able to start an consideration.
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