Facebook Can start Video Chat

Facebook can start Video Chat Today
Facebook start Video Chat

After the announcement of Google Plus, Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced to give Facebook users a surprise gift on 6th July 2011.
There are rumors that Facebook can start video chat with the help of Skype.This video chat will be integrated in the browser and there will be no need to download/install any other software.
Skype was purchased by Microsoft $8.5 billion this May.Facebook has over 750 million users, while Skype has 170 million. But it boasts of over 207 billion minutes of voice and video conversations in 2010.
After the announcement of Google's New Social networking site Google Plus,Facebook is trying to keep its user bound with its new services.Google announced video chat option in Google Plus.Click here for complete list of features available in Google Plus.

We will provide you more detail on Today's Facebook's Surprise Gift as soon as it is available.

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